Mental Health
GB Snowsport works in a unique environment, one which makes significant demands on all of those who work and train in it; and creates the possibility of mental health challenges. Therefore, it requires a dynamic approach to mental health that educates and promotes positive mental health, and reduces the risk of mental health problems developing, alongside an early intervention approach to managing problems as they arise.
GB Snowsport is proud to be a part of the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation, which was developed by the sector for the sector by the Sport and Recreation Alliance, Professional Players Federation and the mental health charity Mind.
The Charter aims to create a welcoming, inclusive and positive environment for everyone to participate in sport and recreation to encourage people to talk about mental health and support people to seek help and support when needed.
By signing up to the Charter, GB Snowsport commits to promoting wellbeing and adopt good mental health policies and best practice. GB Snowsport also commits to promoting positive messages using diverse role models and ambassadors to tackle discrimination and support our network.
We will be sharing resources and best practice that are fitting with over 280 organisations who are now signed-up to the Charter.
We’re proud to be one of those organisations and are committed to taking positive action around mental health and physical activity especially in the during and in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.