By Ollie Davies, Ski Cross Athlete
I got into ski cross after many years of alpine skiing. Ski cross had always been a discipline that I loved and did alongside alpine at a younger age, but I reached an age when things got more serious in alpine so I had to solely focus on that discipline. Eventually, I luckily managed to make the transition from alpine to ski cross.
What sets ski cross apart from other alpine skiing disciplines is that there is more than one skier racing down the course. I love the adrenaline and excitement of head to head racing. Anything can happen in such an unpredictable sport. That’s why I decided to focus solely on ski cross.
I think that the most important mental attribute in ski cross is the ability to remain calm and focused. Whether in a leading position in a run or trying to make a pass from behind, it is important to keep your cool and focus on your own performance.
As for physical attribute, power is very important for an explosive start and to generate speed. In ski cross, on race day if you make it all the way to finals it is a total of four race runs so endurance is very important, too. Before a big event I try to stay as calm as possible, remember everything from training and enjoy!
If you are wanting to get into ski cross I would recommend working hard on the alpine side of the sport to develop a solid base and technique. Ski all terrains and get comfortable with jumps and bumps.
My favourite moments on snow are always early in the morning when no one else is on the mountain with fresh pow and the sun just rising.
During lockdown I was lucky enough to have a gym at home, so I made the most of getting loads of training in. Once I was back in France, after lockdown was lifted there, I spent as much time training outdoors as possible, mostly on the bikes putting the miles in.

Ski and snowboard cross often train together, and the team dynamic is amazing, both teams work so well together and push each other. In recent weeks being back on snow with the rest of the team has been loads of fun. Pushing each other and having a good laugh while training hard!
For the coming season I’m most looking forward to getting back into the start gate on race day. After putting in loads of work on and off skis over the summer I can’t wait to put it all down in races.
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