
Update – Snowsport Awards 2024

Update – Snowsport Awards 2024

GB Snowsport, Snowsport England and Snow Camp are disappointed to announce that the inaugural UK Snowsport Awards, due to take place 6th June 2024, will not be going ahead as planned.

Since the Snowsport Awards was announced, we have been encouraged by the enthusiasm for and support of our belief in an event that works to bring the British snowsport sector together in celebration of its work, achievements, and people. We are enormously grateful to everyone who has expressed support for the initiative, excitement for the event, and backing for that work.

At the same time, we fully recognise the concerns over the timings of the event, and the challenge of making it a success, not least in its ambitions to raise significant funds for the work of the three organisations and the wider British snowsport community.

Like all organisations, we are deeply conscious of the economic pressures faced by businesses and households across the country, and we recognise that there are real challenges for people to justify investing money into an event like the Snowsport Awards at this moment in time.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly given the shared passion and determination from everyone involved, and also given the positive feedback from the snowsport industry that there is a place for an event of this nature.

The need to raise funds for British snowsport at every level remains significant, and we have no intention of stepping back from our aims of providing people and businesses with an opportunity to support increased funding for the snowsport community. To that end, we hope to return with a revised approach in due course.

For now, we would like to thank everybody who has offered their support, backing, and enthusiasm for this venture, and for the continued support that the snowsport community shows. We all believe in the power of snowsport, at every level, and we look forward to finding new ways to bring the industry together in the future.

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