
Quick Fire Questions with Charlie Raposo

Quick Fire Questions with Charlie Raposo

My best party trick is… “A sensational Moscow mule and being able to talk till the sun comes up.”

The geekiest thing about me is… “My blue light glasses and my love of a well organised spreadsheet.”

Tell me you’re a snowsports athlete without telling me you’re a snowsports athlete… “I ski a lot…”

A shower thought I had recently… “Compartmentalising all my shower thoughts would take me days. Some of my best ideas come in the shower. I’ve legitimately jumped out of the shower to write notes and then get back in before.”

Best dance move… “They’re all dad moves…”

When I’m not training or on snow you’ll find me… “Certainly with friends, whether it’s enjoying the outdoors or being in a restaurant / bar is another question.”

Guilty pleasure… “Donuts or a great evening with friends.”

Best travel story… “I’ll write my memoirs one day because there are too many to list off.”

Biggest fail… “The significant amount of times I’ve front flipped out of a parallel start gate.”

Typical Sunday… “Wholesome. Good food. Great company. Chilled vibes.”

Weirdest gift I’ve given or received… “I wouldn’t call it weird, but I’m now at the age where I got given two candles for my birthday and I was low key pretty excited about it.”

Two truths and a lie… “I’ve got OCD, I’m a lightweight, I love tequila.”

I won’t shut up about… “Anything and everything.”

The pandemic has taught me… “Who are the people I really want to spend my time and what really brings me happiness in life.”

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