
GB Snowsport welcomes promise of climate action from FIS

GB Snowsport welcomes promise of climate action from FIS

We are pleased to note the newly-announced partnership between FIS and the World Meteorological Association

As we have long stated, the impact of manmade climate change on our sports is real, present, and significant, not only in the competition cancellations that we have seen in recent seasons, but also in the profound changes in training opportunities and climactic reliability that our athletes witness day in, day out. There is no issue more critical to the future of snowsport than addressing the impacts of climate change, and we are pleased that FIS’ partnership with the WMA will help to ensure climate change and environmental sustainability remains at the forefront of considerations around the future of snowsport.

We would also urge all partners, including the whole FIS family, to actively and urgently explore ways that we can minimise our own impact on the environment, while using our collective leverage and influence to encourage all parts of society to act responsibly for the good of our sport and our planet.

Responding to news of the partnership, a GBS spokesperson said:

“Not only are the impacts of climate change that we have seen over recent seasons alarming for the sustainability of our sport, but it is important that we see them for what they are: a bellwether for the impacts that climate change is having on the planet. 

“We all want a world in which snowsport can continue to thrive in the coming years and decades, and the only way we can secure that is by taking meaningful actions today. FIS and the WMA’s partnership is a welcome step in the right direction, and we will continue adding our voice to efforts to ensure that the snowsport community is acting to protect the sport and the planet.”

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