GB Snowsport very much welcomes the Annual Investment Review funding decision from UK Sport. There is no doubt that this investment shows the confidence UK Sport now has in GB Snowsport, in delivering medal winning performances in Beijing and beyond. It is a hugely exciting time for GB Snowsport and this increase will help support the athletes in the run up to the 2022 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing.
GB Snowsport has seen an increase in Olympic funding from £5.2m in the PyeongChang cycle to now being in receipt of up to £11.1 million for the Beijing Olympic cycle. For Paralympic funding, there has been an increase from circa. £2.7 million in the PyeongChang cycle, to now being in receipt of up to £4.4 million for the Beijing cycle. This is testament to all the hard work and dedication across the whole organisation. We will now work with our UK Sport Performance advisor to ensure that we have provided UK Sport with all the requested information.
Vicky Gosling, CEO of GB Snowsport:
“We welcome UK Sport’s finding decision and see it as recognition for all the hard work that we have been doing within the organisation. GB Snowsport’s primary objective is clear – to win Olympic and Paralympic medals, and this investment gives us additional momentum and impetus as we look forward to achieving success at the 2022 Olympic Winter and Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing. We know UK Sport face tough decisions when deciding how to allocate funding, and we’re extremely grateful for the additional investment we will receive to support our medal ambitions for Beijing 2022”
Dan Hunt, GB Snowsport Performance Director:
“We are committed to delivering against our Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games medal targets and this further investment from UK Sport shows that they believe that we can continue to generate more success. We still have a lot of hard work to do, but we are continuing to get the right performance structures in place to set ourselves up for maximising the performances of our world-class athletes.”